Our Equipment
At Beyond, we have installed the latest, state of the art, technically advanced imaging equipment from Lumina 3T MRI scanners, SOMATOM X.cite CT scanner, INTEVO Bold SPECT-CT scanner with xSPECT Bone to the New Zealand first EOS Edge ultra-low dose 2D and 3D X-Ray imaging system in the upright position.

Beyond Radiology has installed Siemens MAGNETOM Lumina 3T scanners, which are the latest high end 3T MRI scanners. These scanners have the large 70cm bore (the opening into the scanner) which helps reduce claustrophobia and the need for repeat sequences. The Lumina 3T MRI scanners incorporate the latest sequences and acceleration technologies, which can reduce scan times significantly whilst also increasing image quality. The built-in AI technology assists with workflows to reduce scan times, reduce artefact and decrease noise, which helps facilitate a better patient experience.

The SOMATOM X.cite, is the latest, high end, advanced CT scanner at Beyond Radiology, which has the largest available opening to a CT scanner on the market measuring 82cm, which helps reduce claustrophobia and the need for repeat scans. The CT scanner contains advanced software which allows images to have high spatial and contrast resolution, reduction in artefact from patient metalware and has built-in AI technology to assist patient workflow which helps reduce scan times. The CT scanner also has an advanced intervention package, can perform advanced cardiac imaging and has low dose paediatric protocols for paediatric imaging.

Nuclear Medicine
Beyond Radiology has installed an INTEVO Bold SPECT-CT scanner, which is a specialised machine that combines a high-performance CT scanner with advanced SPECT imaging.
The SPECT-CT scanner can scan the entire body, can provide high resolution bone imaging called “xSPECT Bone”, contains advanced software which reduces metal artifact, optimises dose and high image quality using advanced software and has advanced 3D features, which overall results in greater image clarity.

Beyond Radiology is equipped with the latest HOLOGIC 3Dimensions mammogram system, providing higher quality 3D images for radiologists and a better mammography experience for patients. A unique curved compression surface that mirrors the shape of the breast delivers a more comfortable mammogram. Designed to be the fastest, highest resolution breast tomosynthesis system, it is more accurate than conventional 2D mammograms, detecting 20%-65% more invasive breast cancers. Breakthrough improvements transform the patient experience without compromising speed or accuracy.

EOS Edge
Beyond Radiology is the first Radiology practice in New Zealand to install an EOS machine, which is the latest innovative, ultra-low dose X-Ray imaging system, where the patient is standing or sitting upright and simultaneously have 2-Dimensional frontal and lateral full body, high resolution images taken. An EOS scan allows the referring specialists to evaluate spinal as well as pelvic and lower limb alignment, with the patient in a weight-bearing position, by generating precise 2D and 3D measurements and 3D models of the spine, hip and knee. An EOS scan can be used to monitor spinal alignment before and after spinal surgery and can help with surgical planning.

Beyond Radiology has installed the latest digital radiography systems with integrated intelligence and dose efficient state of the art technology while providing high-quality X-Ray imaging. The X-Ray systems also offers stitched long leg and full spine imaging which can save 20% or more of patient time compared to traditional multi image acquisition X-Ray systems.

Beyond Radiology have the latest Philips Epiq Elite ultrasound machines, which are a new system, powered by sophisticated technology that reduces the effects of ultrasound variability between patients, allows better penetration of the ultrasound wave into deeper structures and reduces artifact which allows better visualisation of anatomy and pathology.

Our team of Intervention Radiologists can perform intervention procedures under ultrasound, CT and fluoroscopic guidance, with an emphasis on Musculoskeletal intervention procedures.